Wrongful Death

Orlando Wrongful Death Attorney

There is truly nothing more emotionally devastating or heartbreaking than losing a loved one in an accident. While no amount of compensation could ever come close to making up for such a horrific loss, you and your family deserve justice and financial support. Through a wrongful death claim, you can hold negligent parties accountable for the accident and recover compensation to pay your bills and support your loved ones.

At Jon Lambe Law, our Orlando wrongful death attorneys are skilled and experienced advocates for our clients. We have a deep understanding of Florida’s wrongful death laws and we know how to protect your rights and interests. If you lost a loved one in a fatal accident, our legal team will help. To set up a free, strictly confidential initial consultation with an experienced Florida wrongful death lawyer, please do not hesitate to contact our Orlando law office today at (407) 625-7330.

An Overview of the Florida Wrongful Death Law

Most wrongful death claims are governed by the Florida Wrongful Death Act. This is the state statute that controls who has the right to file a claim, what they need to prove to win their case, and what compensation is available.

One of the most important things to know about the Florida Wrongful Death Act is that these claims are, for the most part, based on negligence. To hold a defendant liable in a wrongful death case, you must prove that they were at fault.

What is the Statute of Limitations in a Florida Wrongful Death Lawsuit?

In accordance with Florida law, wrongful death lawsuits are subject to a two-year statute of limitations. You must file a wrongful death claim within two years of a loved one’s passing—failure to do so could prevent you from recovering compensation. Do not wait to take action: Reach out to an experienced Orlando, FL wrongful death attorney as soon as possible after an accident.

Who Can Claim Death Benefits?

Wrongful death claims can become quite complicated. You can trust our experienced Orlando wrongful death attorneys to help you through this process and explain every step. We have been dealing with wrongful death and personal injury claims for years. Sadly, not all close friends and loved ones of the victim have the right to take legal action. Wrongful death eligibility is restricted to a limited number of people. In Florida, wrongful death claims can be filed by:

Parents   |     Children   |    Spouses

In Florida, if you fall into any of the above groups you may be compensated for economic loss. Notably, in certain cases the estate of the deceased person may also have the right to bring a legal claim.

What Benefits Can Be Recovered in a Florida Wrongful Death Claim? 

Through a wrongful death claim, family members of the victim can seek financial support for monetary and intangible losses. That being said, getting compensation can sometimes be difficult. Even when liability is clear, defendants and insurance companies fight to resolve wrongful death claims for as little as possible—sometimes denying desperate and vulnerable families the financial support that they need. Our Orlando wrongful death lawyers can help you seek compensation for:

  • Hospital and other medical expenses.
  • Funeral expenses;
  • Losing the companionship of the deceased member;
  • Emotional toll of pain and suffering; and
  • Being a financial dependent or child under 25, which enables you to claim compensation for the death of a parent/guardian.

Wrongful Death and Workers’ Compensation Benefits

If your loved one was killed in a job-related accident, the claim may fall under Florida’s workers’ comp statute. It is crucial that you consult with a lawyer who understands these laws and can help you get justice and compensation. In Florida, workers’ compensation laws provide certain compensation to the spouse and children of the deceased worker. Those parents who were financial dependents of the deceased worker may also be entitled to recover benefits.

Death also causes serious emotional damage to a family unit, so it is important for your wrongful death attorney in Orlando to meet on a personal basis as many members of your affected family in order to understand how their loss has affected them individually. Our Florida workers’ comp lawyers can represent you in a wrongful death claim.

Contact Our Experienced Orlando Wrongful Death Attorneys

At Jon Lambe Law, we understand how hard personal loss can be, so we handle sensitive cases on an individual level to protect family emotionally and economically. If you have any questions about your case and need to hire an experienced Orlando wrongful death attorney, Jon Lambe will be happy to consult with you and work on your case. Contact us today for a free, fully confidential consultation. With a law office in Orlando, we handle wrongful death claims throughout Central Florida.